What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?

I realize opinions may vary, but if I could give an example of two CD players perhaps someone can give me their thoughts on the cost benefits of either one? What would be the difference in your opinion between say a Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD Player and the Gryphon Scorpio S CD Player? And are the difference truly audible or more technical and rather indiscernible through human hearing?

In general, what makes a CD player (other than build components) 10x more costly than a decently built one other than features?
All the money saved by not chasing perfect electrons will also give you the opportunity of having two systems, one Solid State, the other Tube.

A mix of Digital and Analog source equipment.  Here again, the differences are easily audible, and comes down to a preference, perhaps even Solid State for this content, Tube for that.

It is advisable to avoid the esoteric when trying your first tube system, any decent tube system will be involving enough to reveal the difference from SS. 

Now LP. Any decent TT/cartridge properly set up (learning first) combined with any decent RIAA phono preamp, SS or Tube, will reveal the difference of LP to CD.

LP content, like CD content, varies greatly by the recording/production skills as much as the artists skills.

LP into SS or Tube, differences will also be easily heard.

I advise learning about Analog rather than chasing tweaks.

After that, it's on to tweaks, god help you to stay sane.

I love all the folks that assure you that there can be no difference of any import. Try some auditioning at an audio salon, and I'm pretty sure you will then know the answer.
Agreed. It amazes me how in a hobby based on listening, some will ask others to tell them what they should expect to hear. There's no substitute for listening and deciding for yourself.
... you can get some very real, sonically significant and musical improvements as you go up the food chain. But the folks pointing out the diminishing returns with greatly increasing price certainly on to something ...
Oh yes, there are diminishing returns, no doubt. That's why every audiophile must decide the value proposition for themselves.
You don’t have to be too swift 🏃‍♂️to chase electrons since they barely move at all. 🐌

On the Kalahari you don’t have to be the swiftest wildebeest, you just have to be swifter than the slowest wildebeest. 🐆 
Once in a while a great piece of gear "falls from grace" and loses its appeal. Sometimes for poor reasons. In the case of PS Audios PerfectWave Dac, when the newer Directstream Dac came out, reviewers sited the new unit as superior to the old. Thus a Perfectwave Dac can be bought for in the low teens. I bought one and I think I paid $1200.00 or so. Coupled with even a CD transport or player, I was blown away by the sound. To me it sounds like a $15,000 rig that I paid $2000.00 for. I can't believe that PS Audio will gut a Perfectwave to update to a directstream model. I also bought a directstream DAC so I can A/B the two of them. (I haven't gotten around to it yet). My two cents.
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