I know this thread is a year old, but as a woodworker there are a few things I'd like to clear up. It is true that Brazilian Rosewood is hard and tough, but not to the point of being unworkable with hand tools. If your tools are sharp, it will cut just fine. Macassar Ebony is harder and more dense.
Finishing rosewood can be a challenge due to the high oil content. A seal coat such as dewaxed shellac should be applied prior to lacquer or polyurethane. Other woods I've worked with have the same problem (Padauk, Bubinga, to name a few).
As for B&W speakers, the veneer looks to be walnut with a red tinted oil finish applied. The Prestige finish on 802 D3 and 805 D3 is called Santos Rosewood (other names are Bolivian Rosewood and Pau Ferro) with a gloss lacquer finish.