McIntosh MA2275 - opinions

I am lusting over the MA2275 so much right now and I hope someone will talk me out of it.

Kidding aside, I now own a (current) C22/MC275 combo, and I am happy about it, except for the unconvenience associated to the room it takes.

My actual questions to owners and former owners are this: I listent mostly to vinyl (MM cartridge), and I was wondering if the phono stage in it is tube based, and if it is good? Also, does the amp sound “veiled”?

I forgot,

thus, for phono playback: the bass has to be boosted back to normal, and the highs have to be cut back to normal. That is what the RIAA phono eq circuit does.

If a TT cartridge output is plugged into a line level input (without RIAA eq or signal strength boost), it will sound awful, no bass, screechy highs, and low volume, needing more pre-amp/amp signal boost, pushing either or both parts of the system up into noise/distortion range, especially tube equipment.

Believe it or not, early CD's, (early players costing $5k), some of the LP masters went directly to CD without RIAA eq, and the horror stories about CD's sounding awful resulted.
Don't do it!   Years ago I foolishly sold my MC275 MKV paired with an Aesthetix Calypso preamp to try an MA2275.  While the MA2275 looks very cool and appears to be well built, it's not remotely close sonically to the MC275.  The MA2275 is soft, wooly and yes, veiled sounding... very disappointing.  

If you want to go the tube integrated route, one of my first choices would be a used VAC Avatar or Avatar Super.   I'd also look at Luxman, Prima Luna, Manley, Cayin, Octave and Line Magnetic.
pdreher thanks man, that’s what I needed. What do you think of the GSI75 by ARC?

Never heard ARC before. I’m used to Mcintosh as far as high-end goes. Is ARC overrated? They seem to eat tubes
I have owned both the 2275 and the gsi75 although it was many years apart. Do NOT even think about getting a 2275. It was VERY disappointing. Your c22/275 combo is light years ahead. What kind of speakers?

the gsi75 is amazing but I cant speak to the phono stage, I never used it. The dac is also quite good.

what are you after? What is missing from your experience?
I have 805D3. I know it is generally accepted that 800s B&W are better matched with SS, and that they are very forward, but there’s something I hear in 800s that I don’t hear anywhere else, and I mean AIR and that floating ease with details. I had Sonus Faber, Magico, Tannoy Prestige (also fabulous), but the way I hear music in my head is the B&W way.

Nothing wrong with my combo per se, but I’d like a little more meat from the 805, and integrated speaks to me as using less room.

I am certainly done thinking about the 2275!