Here is the link for the Jupiter caps for sale. Jupiter used to sell the HT caps in the flat stacked variety and I always purchased those over the round HT ones as they sounded a tad better. They stopped making them because they required more labor time and expense. These flat stacked copper ones will be very, very good sounding.
Confirm with the seller that these are rated for 600v. I did not see the voltage rating on the cap labels. Chris at Jupiter Condenser can also confirm. I would also ask if these are a matched set within 1%. The seller can take out his multimeter and confirm this for you. The seller is asking $250 for the flat stacked pair. Perhaps you can do a little better as Sonic Craft is selling the round Jupiter copper 2.2uf/600v for $146 each on sale. Sonic Craft will match the two caps within a 1% tolerance which is recommended., if you are able to buy those flat stacked coppers at a great price, then you should consider adding the Duelund tinned copper .01uf bypass caps in parallel. The combo is just beautiful sounding. You will hear improved realism, midrange bloom, larger stage, inner beauty and intimacy. Parts Connextion has them on sale for $65 each. Great price while they last!
If you need any any help with the upgrade please free to contact me.