Preamp caps Jupiter copper foil or Jupiter HT worth double the money?

If anyone has any experience with these two caps can you help me out. I'm trying to keep budget down, this is for second system. This will be going in a Bruce Moore preamp, to me this amp sounds warm, fast with big stage but needs to be more refined in the highs. Will the Jupiter HT come even close to the copper foil. Jupiters will replace Solens and a Infinity bypass cap installed as part of upgrade package back in the day. The majority of the caps in there are Rel caps. Someone convince me to buy the cheaper if not I would like to know , thanks for any help.

Thank you grannyring, I did check on those couple days ago the ones listed are listed they are 100v. Parts connextion is out of copper foil. I'm going to check with Sonicraft see if they have any in stock. Thanks for everyone's help. 

I like the MIT Multicap RTX, which are styrene and tin foil. They sound very neutral to me - better than various teflons which I tried - and half the money.

Good luck.
Only Jupiter caps I have left are the beeswax  1.0 uf 600VDC (2 pairs).  One pair is much larger than the other. Go figure!
Many years ago, I had Multicap RTX in my 300B SET amp. Then I changed them to Audio Note Tin foil. Despite RTX weren't bad, AN where more natural, detailed and smooth.
Recently, I changed AN Mylar Copper to Jupiter Copper in my phono stage. The difference was significant. Jupiter Copper has more transparent and even sound.

IMHO phono stage or pre-amp output capacitor is a bottle neck of audio system. Especially if pre-amp doesn't have a global feedback. So, buy the best capacitor that you can afford for this system. This upgrade is always win-win.