Agreed - selling off stereo gear isn’t necessarily the path back to financial stability, but since two channel listening is my sole guilty pleasure I had, and have, nothing else of significant value to the general public.
I woulda been worse off without the funds selling it managed to raise. Ugh.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to the Belles 250i and I continue to be VERY impressed. A lot of the remarks in this thread include the words “uncolored, musical, airy”, and this little integrated hits all those marks. There is VERY little info on its specs anywhere to be found while at the same time a plethora of information about David Belles. Interesting man.
I’ve said before that I love both Thiel and Maggies. Jumping back and forth between the brands as I have sacrifices one thing or another, but IMHO, the trade offs are minimal at best. “Thiels are Maggies - but with mo’ bass”, I’ve said before.
I don’t intend to hijack the thread, but if anyone is considering a Belles product, based on my thus far limited experience with one of them, I say go for it.
Ani Difranco’s “Evolve” album, and Paul Simon’s “So Beautful So What” have some fairly complex interplay going on in many tracks, and with the Belles I can literally feel the pluck of guitar strings. The bass - MMGi’s don’t reach down very far, 50hz - also can be “felt.”
I can can only imagine how a Thiel will sound in lieu of the Maggies. It’s gonna happen. Don’t know when, but it will.
Alrighty - back to the thread!