System Upgrade

Leben CS600; Harbeth Plus 5s; PS Audio with Bridge II linked via Blue Heaven USB; Chord Clearway interconnects and speaker cables (not bi-wired).

Sounds good but "flat" and I find myself having to turn up the volume almost halfway to get any "presence".

What am I missing, if anything?

Than you.
Others might be correct. You might want to drive those Harbeths with more than the 32 watts that the Leben provide!
How old are the tubes in your amp? Are they New production or NOS? Tubes sound flat and when they are starting to wear out. they also can sound thin and frequency extremes can start to decay. 

One other thing to consider is the Harbeth's are not that efficient.
Thank you.


Since I only recently acquired all the above, is there nothing else I can do? Preamp? Cables? Aurender or other?

Sorry to say but I doubt anything will work but more power amplification to get those Harbeths to sing!
Folks above are right. It’s probably a power amp issue due to inefficient Harbeths.  I think Leben pairs well with moderately efficient speakers (93dB and north).