Power conditioning: APS, Eclipse, Velocitor, or ?

Looking to upgrade power conditioner from Monster unit purchased years ago. Have studied discussions of different models here on A'gon and elsewhere and learnt a good deal, but suspect that from putting my own question I'd learn even more. Front runners:

Audiophile APS -- Power regeneration seems a reasonable procedure. Battery backup may be more important for home theatre than for my two-channel audio. Only six outlets. Main downside: possibly audible cooling fan.

Audio Magic Eclipse -- Twelve outlets, good. Don't know how it works, puzzled by filter adjustment feature. Main downside: while I value Pace, Rhythm And Timing, I also value body, substance and heft to the sound, and this doesn't seem to be AM's strength.

Walker Velocitor -- Only six outlets but with parallel conditioning one could use the other half of one's wall outlet. Main downside: no surge protection, what happens when lightning strikes?

Richard Gray, Shunyata, BPT, ExactPower all have good reports but not quite as good as these. From a review I concluded that Audience adeptResponse wouldn't suit my system. There may well be other brands I should consider. Limited possibilities to listen to gear here in Northern Alberta, so should specially welcome comments based on actual comparisons.

Supplementary question: how important is it to have separate conditioners for digital and analogue equipment? Note that there's only one power point (twin outlets) near my equipment, and I can't hope to re-wire my 12th storey condominium.

Grateful for all enlightenment. Thanks, Nick.
That's quite a high class dilema you have there, Nwickend. Your ears will probably be very happy with either choice. It is only a matter of something that you will never know. Unless you want to give both of them a long run in your rig, make a decision, and sell the other on the 'gon. I know the AM well, and am very happy.
I know I’m a bit late to this party, but Verastarr makes a really nice power conditioner.