Quick and free fuse tweak

I read about this once but tonight I tried it and was very impressed with the result. More pling from piano, more thwak from slapped acoustic bass, increased detail and space around performers.

Wrap a short piece of cream-colored masking tape once around the glass portion of a regular AC power fuse making sure not to touch the metal caps. I left a millimeter gap.
If you chew the peyote, you might find yourself fiddling with tape.

For hours.
Actual diffusers like say, Skyline, employ a random arrangement of protruding nodules or in some cases slots. I’ve experimented with egg cartons and sound absorbing tiles on the ceiling. I don’t think they do much of anything. Perfect example of a real placebo. Every audiophile’s dream is to use found objects that are 90% as effective as the real, expensive things. 🤗
Egg carton guy seems to be a bit of a joker. He has other junk posts.
I can understand his skepticism as the systems he appears to be playing around with are low resolution efforts.

Next up, how to protect the fuse from RFI/EMI. Hint: it’s tricky since the best RFI/EMI shields are highly conductive.
The tape removes resonance, but cannot help with the bottleneck 
of the conductor used ,the steel element used as a conductor in the cheap buzz fuses , is 7x less conductive then a good Silver and or Copper element like the Hifi tuning Supreme fuses. 
Just look at metal conductivity index on resistance.
That is the main reason why the top fuses sound that much clearer
much less resistance , since all electricity runs through the fuses 
lessen the resistance 7x night and day better conductor .