Quick and free fuse tweak

I read about this once but tonight I tried it and was very impressed with the result. More pling from piano, more thwak from slapped acoustic bass, increased detail and space around performers.

Wrap a short piece of cream-colored masking tape once around the glass portion of a regular AC power fuse making sure not to touch the metal caps. I left a millimeter gap.
If you chew the peyote, you might find yourself fiddling with tape.

For hours.
Actual diffusers like say, Skyline, employ a random arrangement of protruding nodules or in some cases slots. I’ve experimented with egg cartons and sound absorbing tiles on the ceiling. I don’t think they do much of anything. Perfect example of a real placebo. Every audiophile’s dream is to use found objects that are 90% as effective as the real, expensive things. 🤗
Egg carton guy seems to be a bit of a joker. He has other junk posts.
I can understand his skepticism as the systems he appears to be playing around with are low resolution efforts.

Next up, how to protect the fuse from RFI/EMI. Hint: it’s tricky since the best RFI/EMI shields are highly conductive.