What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html


Directional fuses in an alternating current circuit.

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Schumann Generator update:

Well I dont think that the S.G. is ridiculous useless pricey tweaks... It is my fourth one, cheap chineese one with an atrocious power supply that is garbage, then I put a cheap one but better and the improvement is across the board...This fourth one is the cherry on the cake...I am happy that I bought these little marvels, and if you want an upgrade this is one... Total cost 70 bucks for the 4 S.G. and the effect in the listening room cannot be overestimated at all...

The most ridiculous and useless tweaks I know of today it seems  are only those I dont experiment with in the first place...The problems of the tweaks are the companies that often sell them a price that are way too much...Experiment yourself and dont read reviews anymore...

Here’s two tweaks that might surprise you. SONEX foam panels and lead shot. Two of the worst materials ever foisted on gullible and easily influenced audiophiles. Lead seems like such a great material for audio - massive and dense but not too hard, not too soft! 😬 As for SONEX who could doubt that recording engineers know all about sound? 😩
@mahgister - improve your SGs even more with Cream Electret and Silver Rainbow Foils, free samples from PWB Electronics, enough to treat them all. Tell em Willie Boy sent ya!

Just found a new one. Primary control tonearm. $32,500.

Seriously? At first I thought it was criminal for what they are charging but then I realized that some fool will buy it on their own.