Maggie Fans Chime in: Need recommendation for amp to drive Maggies (MMGs and 1.7i)

Hi All,

I blew up my work horse amp (Anthem MCA 20) and need recommendations for an amplifier which will drive my 1.7i's. I listen to a lot of Jazz, Funk, some EDM, rock, and occasionally classical. My budget is < $1000. I am happy with used gear from here or other markets. Looking for something reliable and rock solid. 

Any thoughts from Y'all Maggie fans is much appreciated. 
The 4B is a great amp, but they are getting old and the capacitors will fail at some point.  

For me, I would buy a used PS Audio S300.  There is one on US Audio Mart for $950 with 1 year left on the warranty.  300w/ch in to 4 ohms, which is right at the sweep spot for 1.7i.  
If you can stretch your budget a used Parasound Integrated will put you in audio heaven with 1.7i speakers. Plenty of power and current to drive those babies.

@johnto  I have looked at some Parasound gear which seems reasonably priced. Any particular Parasound Integrated you would recommend?

@mcreyn   I have always admired the Bryston warranty. I think it says it all. I've heard they are very neutral and built like tanks. I have never heard their stuff, but a 20 year warranty certainly speaks for itself in terms of build quality.

@mcreyn I see a lot of PS stuff listed as "repair only" and being sold with busted outputs etc. It has made a little reluctant to go the PS audio route, though I dig Paul's blog on YouTube and have learned much by reading and watching him. I read the reviews of the Stellar Mono 700's which are uniformly applauded and praised. Not so many reviews of the Stellar 300s that I have found as of yet. I'll look after work tonight. 

Thanks all and keep the recommendations coming. AND if it helps any my preferences sonically are as follows:

1. I'm more into sound stage and imaging than I am into tone
2. I'm more into details than rich warmth
3. Impact over nuance

Brand new Odyssey Khartago for less than a $1000 also with 20 year warranty. If you find a used one the warranty is transferable one time.
4B (there is a 4BST on hifi shark for $995) is probably your best choice as it fits your description of what you like.  Parasound edges toward warmth.  A McCormack DNA 1 would also be good for your wants.  

If you look at the odyssey, you should be looking at the Stratos, but it is $1300.  The Khatago lacks sufficient power.  Larger Maggies really wake up with 300+ watts per side.  They are very innefficient, but not a hard load to drive (nearly a resistive 4 ohm load).