Re-tip or Replace?

I have a 40 year old Dynavector Ruby that still sounds great, but I think it will soon require a re-tip.  The question is, should I pay the $350 or so to retip it, or replace the cartridge with a comparably priced Ortofon, Audio-Technica or Nagaoka?  The system consists of a Luxman PD-277 turntable (another 40 year old piece), Schiit Mani phono preamp, Schiit Saga preamp, Rotel RB-980BX amp, and Martin Logan ESL speakers.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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@mijostyn653:  Those cartridges are way out of my price range.  I mentioned comparably priced to $350.

@roberjerman: I was planning on using Soundsmith's service.  They show a Ruby Cantilever / Nude Contact Line Diamond for $350.  I don't know anyone that does a diamond with a blob of glue.

@chakster  It may be just me, but I don't trust ebay.  Too many counterfeits/scams/ripoffs.

@viridian I'd have to check on the cantilever length.  I'm assuming, perhaps naively, that what goes in matches what comes out.

And thank you all for your responses!

Yes, if you can get a nude diamond with a ruby cantilever! The price is reasonable.
I agree with chakster. Retip with ruby/stylus combo will cost +/-
$500 . For this price you can buy an NOS sample. Then this
cart has very short cantilever so the question is if retippers
can get those from their supplier. 

Excuse me. The way I read it was that you would spend 350 just on the retip and I did not think that applied to a new cartridge. The Dynavector went for $900. So I mentioned $900 cartridges. In $350 price range you should consider a Grado or hang on and save.