Anybody heard of this company?

They have some beautiful platforms and racks.Well,at least the photos are nice,but the actual product may or may not be.I was wondering if anyone has done business with them.
Looks like very interesting products made in the USA at reasonable prices. Because the products are made by an experienced furniture maker that happens to be an audiophile for 35 years, I'd bet the products are well made. I've never tried any of the products so I can't give you an idea of improvement in sound. Thanks for the heads up to the website. 
I decided to shop where I felt more secure/comfortable.I did send the other site an email asking a question to get a conversation going,but no response yet.Anyway,there is a huge number of vendors on Esty that handcraft butcher block boards.I ended up with a 18 x 12  2" thick end grain walnut board for $200.Here's a link for whomever is interested.
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I have a couple of Butcher Blocks and a couple of Boos Blocks (cutting boards).  I haven't A/B tested them for sound quality, but they both seem to do a fine job of keeping my amps and turntable off the floor and the glass rack I have in my computer room.