Fortunately I don’t have small children to starve to afford further upgrades.
so.... we're supposed to feed children?
. Well, that sorts out a few things but its gonna destroy the current food budget .
no sale, or walks, as they are called by the dealership/salesmen are lost revenue. plain and simple. gone money.
Dealers can't sit on the notion the 'wild and wooly web' is killing them all by itself. The web is just another competitor, not THE assassin.
Most dealers operate on a shoe string. They don’t have inventory to demo and if they do, they assume you will not buy the higher end lines.
Definitely understood.
I know for a fact its tuff to have upper range inventory at all times. I know as well upper end pieces can be brought in so a demo can be arranged and then offers on it/them, considered if or when a buyer is serious and that goes back to qualifying. the dealer's relationship with the manufacturer, or other dealers carrying the same or similar brands.
In fact if some sort of 'rent an in home audition' affair can be agreed on, and I were serious about moving up or into some higher end device, I'd be willing to pay for it. within reason, of course.
surely enough to over come shipping and add in some value for the good faith aspect.
I mean, there are those folks in audioland who are getting pieces in their homes for indiscreminate periods of time so they can review it/them without any preconception the piece will be purchased once the article is drawn.
what happens to those pieces after their interview?
same thing for show ponies, er, pieces. do these just go back in the box and await another packing and shipping maneuver?
I've little problem with buying a demo piece if it is sold with the same asurances a new piece would come with albeit at a lower price of course.
My personal rules -
1) Always be respectful
2) Never poo poo other people’s gear
3) Listen to other’s questions without bias
4) Answer with your knowledge, not your sales quota or personal agenda
5) My Mom always taught me that if you don’t anything nice to say, don’t say anything
Mine were enjoying eating and living under my own roof, so I would do within reason, everything possible to close a sale and often that merely meant being knowledgable about the products on hand, its competition, considerate, thoughtful, and able to meet the needs/desires of the buyer.
I never wanted anyone I could not sell to feel they should never come back for something else later on. that is purely bad business, and unforgivable to display abismal public relations.
The extreme expense and added complications of reproducing the bottom octave.
you are preaching to the choir. well said.
sibilance is a pet peeve of mine too.
are as meaningless and awkward as an elephant riding a unicycle on a high wire.
not everyone is a wordsmith but product knowledge does seem to be pretty important when one is asking for large wads of frog skins from strangers.
The high and mighty snobs that berate those that can’t afford $10k Magico speakers...and then private message them to continue to make said person feel like a loser....
I've run into one or two of those myself.
with one such seller I had to call the cops to get him to cease and desist as the situation descended well below civilized correspondence and well into ridiculous threats. of bodily injury.
easy to buy to hard to sell...
Been there. Done that. I call those items my 'trickle down pieces, or antique collecting in advance.
1- Not currently having a music room big enough for my Magneplanar Tympani T-IVa loudspeakers.
a former statesman once said, "tare down that Wall!
but then, you're probably not in Berlin are you? lol
Then the owner came over, looked at the screen, and said, “Oh, Tekton, the new Bose of this year
I would have replied, Only this year?
an audio salesman once asked what would I have if I could have anything in terms of powewr train (line stage and amps) for a stereo rig.
I said VAC, VTL, BAT, or Thor,. He looked at me like I was speaking Mandarin so I asked, Haven't you heard of these?
he shook his head, No.
Ayre lynn, and Krell were his Gods at the time, nothing else existed apparently, nor was he predisposed to research the true scope of his career and the major players therein.
as for sonic annomolies I hate,, it has to be bright, etched top ends...
OK, and sibilence.
and yes... poorly resolved, flabby, and or weak bass.
alright... you've dragged it out of me, too polite a presentation.
a reproduction which is so easy to listen to you fall asleep in the doing.