SACD or not SACD?


I have two DAC:s but just one transport so I thought I'll buy another transport for my head speaker rig. But then I thought, maybe I should  look for a SACD player instead (have some classical discs with SACD and my interest for classical music is growing so there will surely be more SACD hybrid discs).
I've read some reviews of SACD players and the conclusion is always the same; SACD sounds better than CD. But they always compares SACD vs CD on the same player. Never the SACD player as a SACD player vs a dedicated CD player with the same SACD hybrid disc.
And I've even read that some people says that a SACD plays can't read Red Book properly.
So the question is; how much do I have to spend to get a SACD player that plays CD:s at least as good as my Cambridge CXC transport paired with LAB12 DAC1 SE or at least as RME ADI-2 DAC FS? Or maybe a SACD player that would be at least as good transport as my Cambridge CXC. Yes, I realize that the chance that anyone have had the chance to compare these combinations are almost none, but...

Any thoughts?
When transferring SACD from a transport to an external DAC most do so by converting the signal to PCM, though there are a few exceptions.
SACD of course. Even if you don't buy any SACD's  you may get
some as present. 
I have no idea what Elizabeth  is talking about.  I have about 200 SACDs.  Some have room ambience, some don’t.  Same with Red Book.  It depends what is in the original recording...
  I have owned several SACD players but get my best playback using either an Oppo 105 or Sony 9000ES as transports into my Bryston DAC3, which has 4 HDMI inputs.  Both the players output DSD over HDMI.
  To answer the much $....the Bryston DAC goes for around 3-4 K.  current Sony Universal Players also are supporting output DSD over HDMI and can be had for $20o new.
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To which I wold add that if you have not heard your SACDs as rips (and your CDs too) you probably haven't heard them at their best.  Running a silver disk through a machine can do nothing to improve the SQ of the music files they contain.  Only detract.