What amp do use to drive your Klipsch Cornwall I,

What amp, tube or solid state are you using to drive our Klipsch Cornwall I's or II's. I hear allot about 6BQ5/EL34 amps and Horns. Of course the Cornwall need more power than the LaScalla or KHorns. I see allot of people use simple receivers on their Klipsch too. I want to stay with separates so power amp tube or solid state. What are you using with excellent results?
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McIntosh, BAT or Edge. All three work very well with Cornwalls or any Klipsch Heritage model.

Have used from 5wpc to 600wpc on Cornwalls. Bottom line you are going to need to experiment and let your ears/wallet decide. Lot of choices in Tubes, Solid State or a combination of both.

Have fun!