Luxman L-509x for B&W 803 D3

I recently acquired a pair of Bowers & Wilkins 803 D3 speakers. My integrated Amp is currently Luxman L-509x rated 120 WPC at 8 Ohms and 220 WPC at 4 Ohms. Class A/B, but Class A biased for the first few Watts.

Is my integrated amp good enough for my 803 D3, or do they need more power? I have read / heard the 800 series B&W need gobbles of power to shine.

Thanks guys! It sounds pretty good with my Luxman L-509x, but in the absence of other amps to try, I did not know if would sound even better with something else, more powerful, and closer to maximum spec range (up to 500 WPC)
The Luxman will be fine. However the 803 D's can be quite finicky in their setup. Make sure you can get a home demo before purchasing.
Make sure you can get a home demo before purchasing.

To be clear, I already have them. I had the Luxman from before, and just got the 803 D3. I as simply asking if I need to replace Luxman with something more powerful now with the new speakers
You do not need to replace the 509x since it is rather good. However, as someone who has recently did a head-to-head comparison with the Luxman m900u amp and the 509x integrated. I can say that to my ears the m900u is leagues ahead of the 509x, contrary to what I had read here on other threads..

The Luxman 509x is supposed to be the amalgamation of the c700u preamp and the m700u amp. The 900 series is at a much high level.

I did this comparison with the TAD ME1 speakers which I believe like some current. I should note that I heard improvements in sound even at the low to mid levels I was playing the system.