To recap, I tried a Lyngdorf 3400, Atma-Sphere M60s, and a Pass Labs XA25, but in each case settled on the Franks despite their poor bass performance. Eventually I decided to built a pair of DIY First Watt F4s. They provide only current gain and my plan was to use them as a booster amp to power the PREs' bass units while being driven directly by the speaker outputs of the Franks. Unfortunately, bi-amping just killed the speakers' coherency. That was also true when I had tried using the active crossover of the Lyngdorf.
Surprisingly, when I tried the F4s as the sole amplifier of the PREs, they actually beat out the Franks and are my favorite amplifiers of the above list. They retained a great deal of the sweetness of the Franks, improved the bass, improved clarity, & reduced distortion. Soundstaging is roughly equal... maybe a very slight loss of front to back layering. And maybe a small reduction in tonal color. After having them in the system for a month, I put the Franks back in and it was clear that there was no going back. Just finished selling them and all the upgraded tubes (separately because no one would bite on the full package) this week...
It's also nice to have built my own amplifier. Way cheaper (<$1800 for two F4s) and fun to learn about the circuits and parts. Plus the Pass group at diyaudio is fun to interact with. Instant technical service when something goes wrong, and people sent me free parts to help after I toasted a MOSFET because of inexperience. I found the process a bit addicting actually. Just ordered the parts to build a pair of DIY SIT-3s. They use the same power supply and chassis as the F4s, so you just have to swap out a circuit board and you can try out a completely new amp. Couldn't help myself despite my satisfaction.