Many of us almost always " want " better quality performance levels in our room/systems and many times through different room/systems changes " up-grades " we think we achieved that " better " whole target and normally what we got was more than a better quality levels a " different " quality levels but not necessary better one. We try to achieve what we like that not necessary means is rigth.
As you I tested several caps in my speakers and made comparisons through the tweeters caps: 4.7 uf. Mundorf, Jupiter, Duelund, Jantzen, etc.
My MUSIC/sound prioriites/targets are different from yours. My main target is to stay truer to the recording and performance must be in the neutral side with the natural MUSIC color, very good tonal balance, efortless dynamics/power, fast transient and ryhthm and with the natural agresiveness of the live MUSIC event seated at near field position that’s where normally the recording microphones are " seated " ( 2-3m. ).
Live MUSIC means too the SPLs of live MUSIC event, way higher of what we are accustom too at home.
""" Smooth, sweet, and detailed without any grain or harshness. ........ preventing the tweeters from being aggressive, which has been a problem ...."""
""" Just beautiful, organic music . """
Well live MUSIC at near field position is everything we want but " smooth, sweet or organic "" and it’s agressive, brigth and sometimes with harshness. All these is live MUSIC that's my reference.
I’m not questioning what you like because our different targets.
The designer of your speakers choosed Mundorf caps for its neutral characteristic in that frequency range where according my targets it has when several audiophiles look the Mundorf’s in the brigth side when it’s not when compared with live MUSIC seated at nearfield position.
What you like is something that several audiophiles are accustom to where the performance quality is more or less like if we were seated at 20m-30m from the live source/instruments. Nothing wrong with that but it’s not my target.
At the end I choosed the Jantzen Alumen over the Mundorf and I choosed because has better tonal balance. No, it’s not so expensive as the Jupiter or Duelend but these caps are heavy colored, are not neutral as many people could think.
Always is more easy to like something colored than dead neutral.
Anyway, good that you are enjoying your system and this fact is the more important for you.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,