About the cheapest cable elevators (for those with empty pockets)

Ok, I don’t know if this has been done, but I did it and I’ll pass it on.

BTW zero scientific study has been done - so you know what they say you get what you pay for.

Anyway, get yourself a pool noodle, you know the ones with the hole down the middle, I’m sure if you have kids you probably have one in the garage or out in the pool, cut into 3-4” sections with a sharp knife, slit the section down one side, slip cable through slit, tada! Your done. Cut as many as you need to get that highly overpriced cable of ours off the ground and enjoy 200% more soundstage, 300% lower noise floor, and perfect frequency response.

Ok, maybe my claims are a bit optimistic. . .
I find when the pool noodle color is the same as the LED color of the equipment a nice synergy develops and you optimize the ground circuits, but your results may vary. 

What is the standard diameter of a noodle?

When installed, does it raise the cable the optimal distance off the floor?

What is the optimal length to cut?

Do different colored noodles affect the resulting improvement?

Are chlorine-soaked used noodles better than brand new ones?


I have been using “CableClamps” from Home Depot with good results. The small white ones work the best.
Without spending ANY money, you can take an empty cd case, stand it up with the hinge to the left and open the case.  PERFECT for a cable elevator and any audio guy worth his salt has some empty cd cases or some cd cases for music he will never, ever listen to again....