High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

Something like this....

It's funny how we worry about every inch of cable and conductor; eg, fuses, plating on AC receptacles. But it's ok to add an adapter with who knows what type of metallurgy or construction.

How many 0.5's did you start with?

Beside the receptacles, where else do you have the modules installed? I'd like to know if you can hear a change in efficacy between different locations of a module?

Hello lowrider57
I started with 2 MC O.5s one on each line at the wall. I really liked what  they did to the sound so i would add a couple every so often, when budget would let me. I tried a couple in my PS Audio P10, it was ok. But better at the wall feeding the P10. Later removed the P10 for the Mc 6 Hemisphere With a couple plugged into it, that also was good. I now have the PRO POWER conditioner with a couple plugged into it. But the big majority our at the wall. Divided between 2 power lines, the amp line and the line that feeds the front end of my system.
Thanks for the reply. The PRO conditioner must be something special. 

You're definitely addicted to magnetic conduction; I can see why. I have a module in each of my two lines and will be adding more I'm sure.

@lowrider57 , yes, we audiophiles can be funny that way. I tried out one of those adaptors but like I mentioned earlier a few posts ago, to my ears, it sounds better with just one per wall outlet.

As utilitarian as it looks, it does the trick.

All the best,