Music Hall vs. Schiit

I plan to purchase a DAC to pair with a Cambridge Audio CXC transport. Presently I am considering the Schiit Modi 3, Music Hall 15.2 or the Music Hall 25.3 DACs. Since I am looking for a warmer analog sound, I would appreciate your thoughts on these units.
I might add that I currently am running a Audio Research SP16 tube preamp, a Bryston 14B SST power amp & Paradigm Sig 7 speakers.
Thank you so much.
Once I decide on a DAC, I will need either a coaxial or optical cable for input from the transport to the DAC. Without getting into a protracted discussion on the esoterics of cables, is there any fundamental differences between a coaxial & optical cable as a DAC input? Thank you.
Optical cables aren't susceptible to interference.Coax cable has wider bandwidth.A couple of inexpensive but well thought of coax cables are Wyde Eye(Amazon) and the $12.99 coax from Monoprice.Coax measures and performs optimally at 1 to 1.5 meter lengths.You can research that further if it's of interest:)
Optical cable should be sturdily built,both the plastic and glass cables tend to crack in the super inexpensive brands that can be had for just a few $.Something from Audioquest,Kimber,Pangea should be fine.
The Schiit Modi Multi connected with Blue Jeans coax to my Oppo 103 sounds very good to my ears. 
Thank you, jtcf. That confirms my limited understanding of interconnects. I might add that in the past I followed the debate on whether there was a perceptible difference between the lower-shelf $5 cable & the off-the-scale $3,500 item. Without starting a firestorm, cables manufactured from high-quality components from a reputable company will suit my listening preferences just fine. I prefer to spend my discretionary dollars (euros, etc.) elsewhere in my audio system.