Music Hall vs. Schiit

I plan to purchase a DAC to pair with a Cambridge Audio CXC transport. Presently I am considering the Schiit Modi 3, Music Hall 15.2 or the Music Hall 25.3 DACs. Since I am looking for a warmer analog sound, I would appreciate your thoughts on these units.
I might add that I currently am running a Audio Research SP16 tube preamp, a Bryston 14B SST power amp & Paradigm Sig 7 speakers.
Thank you so much.
Give some thought to the Cambridge audio 851N network streamer with built in DAC. I have the 851N and the cxc transport. Really like the combination 
Once I decide on a DAC, I will need either a coaxial or optical cable for input from the transport to the DAC. Without getting into a protracted discussion on the esoterics of cables, is there any fundamental differences between a coaxial & optical cable as a DAC input? Thank you.
Optical cables aren't susceptible to interference.Coax cable has wider bandwidth.A couple of inexpensive but well thought of coax cables are Wyde Eye(Amazon) and the $12.99 coax from Monoprice.Coax measures and performs optimally at 1 to 1.5 meter lengths.You can research that further if it's of interest:)
Optical cable should be sturdily built,both the plastic and glass cables tend to crack in the super inexpensive brands that can be had for just a few $.Something from Audioquest,Kimber,Pangea should be fine.
The Schiit Modi Multi connected with Blue Jeans coax to my Oppo 103 sounds very good to my ears.