Are these damned brands or not good speakers?

When you surf on Internet you can read about speakers as the Escalante Pinyon, Ultimate monitor,SP technology Time piece 2.1, Harmonic precision Caravelle, Lipinsky L 707, Peak consult Princess, Green mountain....all seems that are extraordinaries speakers, but the reality is that it seems that nobody sells these brands, nobody owns these speakers and practically nobody has heard them; perhaps the problem is that they are TOO much EXPENSIVES for what you get?.
I will be glad to know your opinion about all these speakers. Thanks.
As a dealer for years and no longer in business  I had been very reluctant to offer products from large companies. Small companies with wonderful people were always my preference. Large companies have no soul and don't care what their gear sounds like. Obviously the sound they produce must sound just like the other guys, but there is no passion. their passion is money. This is my opinion and in no way reflects the opinions of others, nor it is meant to, nor is it meant to upset anyone or to fundamental alter the delicate balance of the  audio universe. 
Large companies have no soul and don't care what their gear sounds like. 

All of them?

Why did you get out of the business?
I ran into some of these boutique type speakers many years ago. As I recall they all sounded pretty good they just seemed to my inexperienced at that stage ears to be not worth the money. The only one whose name I recall was the Linaeum Model 10 which I remember because they sounded so entrancingly good my wife actually was pushing me to buy them! Yeah. Imagine that. 

They were made in Portland not far from Seattle and so at one point when I drove them down for an upgrade wound up talking with the designer himself in his lab/studio aka the family basement. 

Those speakers were worth every penny. And then some. So I would not hesitate one millisecond to do that again- if I heard the same magic. That is always the key. Go and listen. 
I definitely think there are companies pricing their products so that very few will ever hear them and almost nobody will ever really get to know them.  There are reasons why prices need to be so high but they aren't performance related.  If every little piece requires a long expensive process and if a bunch of people die making every pair, you've got something that is unobtainable to the vast majority of people.  Talking points and exclusivity are what luxury is all about.