It's a little above your budget, however this amp smokes the Sphinx V2, and many others in the $1K category. It's not even close. I owned both for a fair amount of time. You have to step up to $2500 integrateds like the Parsound Halo to match the sound quality of these Sonys. These 39lb. beasts are built like tanks - even the bottom plate is thicker than that of some $5K integrateds, and I'd swear the binding posts rotate on ball bearings - the best binding posts I've used by far. The noise floor of these units (like many Japanese brands) is incredibly low, thanks to the floating ground design. You won't find that low a noise floor in 90% of other offerings (I went through an integrated swapping phase for almost 2 years). It meets all your criteria: silver face plate, no unecessary frills, no DAC or phono stage. Also allows for power-on via remote control - a feature you don't realize you want/need until you no longer have it. The same goes for remote volume control, any integrated that doesn't have that might as well be a paperweight IMO.
The only real downside is they run quite warm so they need plenty of venting space.