Separate Phono Pre - $$ before I will hear a SIGNIFICANT difference vs. integrated?

In my search for a new Pre-Amp - one of the factors that I am considering is the "Line-Stage" vs. "Built-In Phono Stage" factor.

If I opt for a Line-Stage type - I will probably want to add a separate Phono Pre. I presently do like to spin some vinyl, but I only do it occasionally at the moment because I do not have a permanent place to place the TT. (I store it carefully when not in use)

TT = AR "The Turntable" with Straight (Jelco) Tonearm and Shure MX-V VMR Cart

Q1. How likely is it that something affordable (Like Schiit Mani around $130 USD or Mofi Studio?) will sound equal to or better than the phono stage of the NAD 7220PE Receiver that I am presently using?

Q2. How far up does one need to go in order to note a SIGNIFICANT step-up in Audio Performance?
(Maybe something with Balanced Outputs that is easy to locate CLOSE to the TT?)