Novice Question: Dedicated Streamers

Basically, I’m confused as to what function a stand-alone music streamer without onboard storage serves.  I know I’ve got some sort of glaring, mental blank spot about this.....the only thing I can figure is that there is some sort of enhanced music file processing over what one gets with most home computers and storage happens by plugging an external storage drive(s) to this sort of component??  Can someone enlighten me better about these?  The Blue Sound “Vault” has caught my eye of late but I’m wondering if I might be missing something by not looking at the “node” by the same company.  I don’t anticipate ever using any sort of music subscription service if this is important...  
A music streamer is simply a computer program that reads music file data from some source and writes it to a target, typically a DAC. Dacs are the components responsible for converting the digital data to analog. There is usually some user interface provided to select the source of music on the streamer. Streamers generally must be fast enough to stream the music file data in real time. Streaming higher resolution music file data accurately is more challenging accordingly. 
The Bluesound Vault is just that, a way to store your music, and then play it.
The Node is just a way to stream music, be it from a streaming service or from you computer. With multiple units, it can also connect with each other so you can listen in different rooms.
All the iterations of the Nodes are pretty much the same. Only the newest one will allow you to use the 5ghz wifi band. I own the original Node and added a Netgear wireless router to use the 5ghz band.
The nice thing with Bluesound is that you can use an outboard DAC. 
The one that comes with the Node isn't bad, but upgrading to, say, an Ayre Codex or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggrisil will get you pretty far in the Digital streaming mode.
I never thought of using digital streaming, but once I found Spotify, Tidal and Quobuz, I haven't cracked a CD case for 4 years.
I haven’t cracked open a cd case in over 10 years, unless it was to rip it to a hard drive. I had a $3000 CD player from Classe back then and sold it. Back then, a Mac running pure music or amarra was the ticket. Then Audirvana came out. Went the dedicated music server route for a couple of years sharing a large multi TB disk system from a computer and got rid of that because it was still using the flawed USB interface. Now, back to using a computer running Roon server and using a hard wired CAT7 cabling network to interface with my dac with a network bridge card.
if you want to buy a dedicated music server, you are still buying a computer, probably using Linux, which is a great OS but most audiophiles or local technicians have no idea how to work on it. 

Like Lg1 I am somewhat confused about the benefits of a music streamer. What for example is the difference say between a non storage streamer and a Bluetooth receiver such as a Bludento BLT-HD or an Auris bluMe HD?