Need advice in Audio Research Classic C-60Amp

I just purchased a classic C-60 to pair with my old Vandersteen 2CE’s.

Right now I’m just using Blue Jeans biamped speaker cable terminated in spades on the amp end. The classic only excepts wire that are screwed in on the back of the app. This means I’m going to have to cut the ends off the spades, and because it is Bi-amped I’ll then have two positives wires and two negatives  going to one channel. 

So my options are to just not use one of each color (one red one black) or twist the two reds together and twist to blacks together.  My question is what is the best way to attach the wire to the amp. Do I need to buy a different type of termination or is it just the bare wire that gets screwed in. And how do you think I should go about doing this with the wire I have. 

Also one follow-up question, if I just cut one black wire and one red wire from the spade, and tape them up, is there anything I should be worried about, sonically?

I have owned the ARC Classic 60 since new.

Agree on the above comments in replacing the Caps. I would not send this to ARC since it will be very expensive. I just had mine rebuilt in the last few Month’s by Scott Frankland Associates who is very familiar with this Amplifier. The 4 Large Caps with Red Tops in the center of the Amp are called Filter Caps and Scott was able to source new ones that fit so these were changed.

There is also the problem of Tube Auto Bias on this Amplifier which does not work well. Every time you have to change the Tubes you need a Technician to Bias this Amplifier for you. If you do not have a Tech close by then it is a very large hassle with this Amplifier. Scott modded mine with test probe locations and adjustable pots so I can check my own Bias with a Meter since I was tired of lugging this Amp around for someone to Bias it. It was a brilliant solution.

If you wish to get by for now with your Cable connection problem order these;

They fit perfectly and they can be crimped or soldered. Two will also fit easily on each of the + or - Channel Screws. I do not recommend the Adapters mentioned above.

Do not use Bare Wire.

I was considering trying to change the caps myself.  I've done very little soldering in all actuality, but I am pretty hand and have good dexterity in small spaces.  To that end I've been watching all manner of youtube vids on the subject and I was going to go find some old broken gear and start practicing on it in hopes of trying to do this myself, but I might be kidding myself.

I will call to get a price on having this done for me.  

This is going in my secondary system so it's not a rush job for me.


You have a great amp there.

I’ve owned an ARC Classic 60 for 30 years and still keep it in reserve as a spare amp. I used it with an ARC SP-14. Then, I used it with my current ARC REF-3. It went into the "spare" designation when I got the REF-75se.

Over the years, I’ve used nothing but spade lugs on this amp. Larger lugs can be a pain, but smaller ones will fit, albeit with bloody knuckles at times.

If I were going to use the amp full time, I’d take it to a tech and have him remove the fins surrounding the speaker connections, and install Cardas pure copper binding posts and Cardas copper female RCA connections for the ICs. In addition, I would have the tech install a power cord input so I could use an aftermarket power cord. Have the tech measure the large caps. Replace if necessary. Not that expensive, really. You’ll be surprised at how good this amp is.

I called Mr Scott Frankland, nice fellow, and spoke with him about work that could be done on the Classic 60.  He indicated that the 4 caps aren’t soldered in, but screw in. So, in preparation of getting the amp I have purchased 4 Kemet capacitors that are a direct fit for the Classic 60.  But with a bit more overhead.

On Scott’s recommendation I purchased a variable voltage transformer to slowly bring the voltage up once the new caps are plugged in to make sure the electrolytics disperse evenly.  He highly suggested I do this, so I am.

my question is after the new caps are in and the amp has been brought up to power do I need to rebias the tubes, or is that only necessary if the tubes are replaced?