Whether you are interested in my reports is up to you
Do not confuse me with the facts
I have been an audiophile for 40+ years and even owned a retail company, and have read a ton of magazine reviews that left me perplexed as I had owned a fair amount of the kit in those reviews and did not have the same glowing experiences
As to actually hearing mine; it’s been over a month since plunking down my $2200, and still nothing from ric, which IMHO is not good business, so I am not a happy camper.
If it doesn’t significantly outperform my AA DPA-1 it will be returned for a refund
Whether you are interested in my reports is up to you
Do not confuse me with the facts
I have been an audiophile for 40+ years and even owned a retail company, and have read a ton of magazine reviews that left me perplexed as I had owned a fair amount of the kit in those reviews and did not have the same glowing experiences
As to actually hearing mine; it’s been over a month since plunking down my $2200, and still nothing from ric, which IMHO is not good business, so I am not a happy camper.
If it doesn’t significantly outperform my AA DPA-1 it will be returned for a refund