Equipment Rack Between Speakers...Good or Bad

This question came up in another current thread and I thought it would be more appropriate to start a new thread to address it. My rack is between my speakers. In the past I have tried it off to the side and didn't notice any sonic advantage. I have seen in in the past that there are some strong feelings on this subject, and I am interested in hearing what everyone has to say.
Thanks for all of the interesting responses so far. I want to make clear though that I am not personally looking for a solution. I am happy with the way my system sounds as it is, but I have heard this subject referred to before and I just wanted the views of others about the plusses and minuses in their opinions and experiences.


You live within 3 days travel from me????

I truly admire your dedication and accomplishments involved, and your photography is superb also. 
Cal and Elliot,

thank you for the kind comments.

Elliot, i'm in the Seattle area and you would be most welcome to come listen any time.
The ideal system will have balanced input mono amps right behind the speakers keeping the speaker wires as short as possible. Balanced ins and outs let you use long low level signal cables without ill effect. Now you can put the rack anywhere in the room you want unless you have a turntable in which case you want to get it as far away from the speakers as possible in a place where the bass is not amplified. Mine is in an alcove off to my left side.