JA - In my wire investigations I have learned that 6-9s wire is nearly extinct and even 5-9s is practically unaffordable. As the world changes toward miniaturization, highly complex component circuitry and wireless data and signal transmission, wire is less critical. It seems that some of the best sources (both audio and aerospace) are using 4-9s with careful casting, drawing, gauging and coating technologies. To your question, Thiel maintained a steadfast commitment to using the best wire available. I know that solid 18 twist isn't very sexy, and I am now comparing alternatives with coaching from wire guys, but that 4-9s x 3 twist in teflon certainly performs well. Over the years it was routinely tested / listened to against many alternatives. Remember that, unlike external speaker cable, Jim had the advantage of developing each driver's crossover as an entire system from input to driver, to include all wire effects as part of the global circuit equation. In other words, the inductance, capacitance and resistance and their subset effects were accounted for by measuring the global system.
Jim was trying to make that point in the interview, but Gene wouldn't allow it to really go there as a stepping stone to further investigations. It's quite easy to pot-shot any designer's values and approach. But I can tell you that Jim milked very high performance out of complex circuits that could only be afforded by scrutinizing the cost / performance ratio of every single element.