Turntable newbie info site?

After reading the various threads here regarding TT specifics, my head is spinning.  MC vs MM, cantilevered, diamond tip vs nude, need for separate phono stage, various tone arm types and need for set up.  I googled and the TT sites are usually too elementary and don't address the more specific points.  Is there a site for some one unfamiliar with audiophile TT technology but willing to learn knowing it is a steap learning curve?

I last played vinyl in the early 1980s on a Technics and Kenwood, mass produced, department store type model.
So many web resources for this if you explore a bit including many Youtube videos.

This is a decent starting website to send you in as many directions as you may desire:  https://www.analogplanet.com/

You’re already on the best site ever to read and learn almost everything about it. But if you would like to save your time just buy brand new Technics SL1200G or 50% cheaper GR, ask here for a cartridge and phono stage then. This new Technics is probably the best super high quality japanese Direct Drive for a newby (can be easily sell anytime later or you can keep it for decades).
I would find a Hi Fi store near you and find a sales person familiar with turntables. Have him show you what it is about then he can answer your questions in real time. He will try to sell you what is in the store. If he has several brands that may not be a bad thing because if you have problems you will have someone to lean on. Once you understand the basics then you can learn the fine details and apply them to your table. Down the road if you want a better table you will have a much better understanding of what you are looking for. Experience is always the best teacher.