Dunlavy resurrection?

I bought the rights etc to Dunlavy when Kenny closed it years ago.  After years of design research have come up with an amazing evolution to the line.  While I love the thought of bringing it back to market, and think there is a need, I'm not sure I "want a job" and don't really need one.  If any one out there with an industry connection that might have interest in discussing moving things forward with my financial backing, send me an email at dunlavyinfo@gmail.com

Why not talk to http://www.tyleracoustics.com/. Mr. Tyler already makes some fine speakers and, obviously, has the infrastructure in place. Seems like a natural fit. Good luck!
I was going to recommend Peter Noerbaek at PBN, but the website is totally unresponsive.  Has something changed?
That's a really tough gig. My hat tip to anyone who can get into speaker making/sales from scratch these days.

You are right thinking about industry connections. Making the speakers is the relatively easy part. The marketing, sales, distribution, etc. is the really tough part.
I'm probably one of the biggest fans ever of the Dunlavy speaker line up. I own almost every model that was produced. I've had to do some maintenance on some of the units, but for the most part they have given me years of nothing but listening pleasure.

Best wishes on getting them back on the market. Would be great to see them back into the high end mainstream.