"One can model a number of different box volumes and see a significant change in performance under 100 Hz but virtually no impact on the performance above"
Hi Mlsstl,
I was only addressing cone speakers. VAS affects all cone speakers in a box regardless of size. It is just as important to have your midrange in the correct box size as the bass driver. Its final Qts figure will relate to a hump, flat or a dip in its frequency. If you develope a hump, it would easily portray a coloration or "smear" in frequency. As far as controlling back wave in the cone material, I was specifically speaking of mid range drivers. Back in the old days of paper cones, we treated them with Latex to stop cone break up, Later came poly, kevlar, carbon fiber, aluminum,....etc etc etc.
The latex helped control breakup. The more dense materials normally were not as effected by backwave coloration because of the stiff cone material. What I am saying is the cone material and box material are not intertwined. They both matter greatly, but independently of each other. Sorry, no disrespect intended.
Back to Enzo618. Any material that is rigid and dead would be great. Normally thinner materials require a bit more bracing, but can work. You've probably seen concrete enclosures. I've not experimented with alot of materials, I've used some fiberglass, but it had to be thick and re-damped, I like your epoxy sandwich idea.... but in the long run, a proberly damped inert material that has the proper air space will do a reasonable job. Some may be slightly better than another, but the standard braced MDF is hard to beat.... Dollar for dollar, I'm not sure that you can.