Again the topic of weight of amps

I see this has been covered but not recently.
I have had a few amps in the 100+ pound range.
I liked them enormously but I am in a small space and am tired of dealing with these behemoths when I need to move them around and the real estate they take up. They were all wonderful in their way and I would like to have kept them but for their immobility. But can one find true love after such heavy weights with a feather weight 55 pounder?
Have technological advances in 2019 made such a thing possible? I had a pass 350.8 which I loved but you can't keep a Stonehenge rock in an apartment living room.

geoffkait:"Are you out of mind?"

Hello geoffkait,
    Yes, I am out of mind. Because you failed to recognize the subtlety of my admirable restraint. I'm not mad at you, just a bit disappointed. I either need you to be at the top of your game or I need to rely on the moderator letting me slide.  I got lucky.

    Please dust yourself off, focus on precision which we both know allows for a larger margin of error, climb back onto that saddle and ride like the wind!

Thank you,