Sealing ported enclosure to reduce boom

Is sealing ports and adding fill an option if you have ported cabinets that are boomy? Just got some Kappa 8.1 and bass is boomy and unrealistic. I like my Kappa 7 better which is sealed but the 8.1 has some interesting drivers.
Acquaintance of mine tried the sock in the port thing in brand new speakers. Blew out when he cranked it up. Well, that became a game of how far the sock could fly. Two weeks later, the speakers went in for warranty repairs. Just an anecdote.
Foam plugs are really easier than socks.

With socks you have to have the right size and roll it up fairly loosely so not all air is blocked in the port. You usually want only partial obstruction of the air flow through the port.

BTW I also recommend tweaking placement away from corners and walls as the preferred soluton, but obstructing (not sealing) the port is an easy option if that is not possible.
"Sealing" the port is a bad idea. The drivers and crossover were designed to work with the port open, at least to some degree. The suggestions to play with positioning away from boundaries and partially blocking the port with foam or even a sock are legit.
no one mentioned it unless i missed it but at one time people put soda straws into port to 'control' the air movement. i tried it and never heard a difference and the muticolored straws kept dissappearing as child stole them. i can,t be the only person who endures all these pranks/tweaks recommendations. ha
The straw thing was more of a port noise reducer...port chug, and not boom. Two different things.
