The latest Heisenberg is suppose to be way better than the old Max......same with the Relentless. The new DAgostino has .003 percent distortion at full power, .03 ohm output impedance, 100K bandwidth...all with no feedback!!!.....this is staggeringly better than any other Dag amp. The old Dags measured just so so but some really liked their warm sound. I have not heard either.....just what I gleam from reading reports from those that have heard. My point is that you cannot expect SOTA at $2200. I am sure there are better amps than mine. How much more you would have to spend? We shall see.
Here is an interesting factoid. The new Relentless amps have binding posts made out of massive brass.......yes, custom massive thangs made up of super lossy material. Why would you make a "SOTA" contender amp and then put horrible brass connectors on the output. They could of made them from copper, OFC copper, cryoed OFC copper, PCOCC copper, silver or ? Remember, this is a quarter million dollars and they are mounting veiled hardware on the output. I sent them an email about this but I am sure they will pay me no mind. If they used the latest low mass Furutech or WBT copper or silver connectors they would have mucho better sound. My binding post bypass system is even better.....but would not pass their "must look sexy" thang. By the way, they are using $5 Neutrik xlr connectors on the input. I use the much more expensive and better sounding Furutech ones.....also better are the Cardas ones. So, just imagine how much better the Relentless would sound with better input and output connectors. Do these people really listen?
Of course, when you get your Relentless amps installed you can bypass the hardware and hardwire.......he he. However, this is how I listen....I hardwire two feet of custom balanced cable from my modded Oppo 205 to the custom input stage on the modded IceEdge module. I solder my speaker wires directly to the module and directly to the xover in my speaker. The first rule of tweaking is: remove everything not needed.