Wondering about using IsoAcoustics under by GoldenEar Triton One speakers

Anybody out there tried using vibration control tweaks under  GE Triton One speakers? I have brass Maplewood brass spikes,  lots of vibrapods..but after seeing PS Audio's video from RMAF I'm wondering if the final tweak is here are the IsoAcoustics pucks.  Any  advice /experience  is sincerely appreciated!

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You mentioned pucks, but believe you mean the Gaia footers and possibly carpets spikes.  Isoacoustics does both.

I run the Gaia II with ATC 40 active and the difference from the stock provided spikes is enormous.  They provide all of what one looks for such as better resolution, more controlled bass, blacker background and lower noise floor.  The carpet spikes better the performance even more.  They are real.
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I put vibration absorbing pucks under my Vandersteens which absolutely ruined the sound.  You have to try out in situ with all these things.