AMP or Preamp

What to add next to my system, budget $5000 to $7000?  My current system consist of Wilson Sasha speakers, Yamaha RX-A3050 receiver that I run pure direct, Rotel RB-1590 2x350 amp, Hegel DAC and a Bluesound Vault 2i streamer.  I have been looking at a Mcintosh C2600 to replace the Yamaha receiver to give me the option of adding a turn table at a later date or would adding mono blocks give me the most bang for the bucks or other options?   

Well nob, I think you did the absolutely right thing. To Hell with the nay-sayers!

Buy speakers first and then upgrade everything to that level. I bought Magnepan Tympani 1a's in 1973, because they were the absolute best to my ears. Paired them with solid state kit electronics, because that's all the money that was left over. Eventually upgraded to all ARC, over 5 years. What a journey! Great fun at every stage! Take your time!! Audition and enjoy!!!

Just in case anyone tries to sell you expensive cabling, I suggest that you buy the cheapest cabling you can find. I mean, real cheap. Like $50 a pair, max. Spend your money where everyone agrees that it counts - electronics, turntable, everywhere but cables.

After you've got your system where you want it, then and only then fine tune it with cables. Try out loaners in your system in your own sweet time. If something proves its worth, then by all means buy it. But cabling is a great way to spend much money for little benefit - the worst cost/benefit ratio in audio, IMO. YMMV

Good luck! Have fun!!
Nob, I suggest that you listen to almarg. Since you seem to be new here, you may not know who is worth listening to. Almarg is one of them. Atmasphere is another.
luxman with the best suggestion.. Get the Parasound JC2 with a pair JC1's.. They're both listed here on Agon right now and well within your budget.. Your Wilsons will thank you
Just in case anyone tries to sell you expensive cabling, I suggest that you buy the cheapest cabling you can find.
Huh, that's interesting.  I have found that cabling is extremely important and just as significant as the electronics you pick.  You can make or break the system by what cabling you buy.
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