I have had both in 1.6 and the 1.7 in my system and the 1.7 is much better. If you do the stand upgrade, cossover and frame modification mentioned in the prior post the 1.7 will kill the 1.6s further. I drilled and tapped the stands and put spikes on both the 1.6s and the 1.7s and that was a huge improvement. The 1.7 has better everything. Once the 1.7 breaks in you cannot believe they retail for $2000.00. Do not get me wrong the 1.6 is very good but the 1.7 is better!
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- 25 posts total
Some would contend that swapping the 'dead' MDF for real wood makes the biggest difference possible. Others have redesigned the crossover and claim great help. Personally, I'll stick with the stock crossover design with improved parts. Aircore inductor and a 'premium' cap...maybe Clarity SA, which is supposed to be good for the $$s. For the 1.6 owner without DEEP pockets....say ME, for example. The trade up becomes money limited. IF the net trade up costs 1000$ I've got to look at what that amount in mods buys me. Sound, what mods had you applied to your 1.6s? I'm taking a woodshop class at the local JC. I'll eventually be able to reframe my panels with something nicer than the fabric currently installed....Maybe Sapele? |
I'd like to hear a side by side comparison between the 1.7 and a pair of "gunned" 1.6's. Has anyone actually heard the two, in the same room with the same equipment? Here is the info on Peter Gunn: http://www.indiespinzone.com/magnestand.html |
- 25 posts total