Any Magnepan 1.6 owner who upgraded to 1.7?

Magnepan 1.6 owners, Is the improvement worth upgrading to 1.7?
I'd like to hear a side by side comparison between the 1.7 and a pair of "gunned" 1.6's. Has anyone actually heard the two, in the same room with the same equipment?

Here is the info on Peter Gunn:
Now 'yer talkin!

FWIW, PG was not in love with the 1.7s......just FWIW.
The answer to Mofimdaness yse I did a side by side comparison the 1.7s are much better!
Thanks everyone, I think I'm ready to order a pair of 1.7 My local dealer said 3 to 4 months or maybe longer. Thesoundhouse, How long did you wait before you get your 1.7?
I would like to modify the cross-overs on my 1.6 but I donot know how to remove the cover. Could anyone help? Thanks, Cyrus.