Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated

I have a Platinum modified McCormack DNA .05 and a Pass Labs First Watt F5 with which I drive my Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Triode Master speakers.  I have sworn off tube amps in the past, but I am intrigued with this new amp from Bob Carver.  Wally Underwood as well as Jimclarkstereo in Illinois are now selling them for about $2500.  I have never doubted Bob Carver's audio engineering genius.  I would be keen to get a 75 wpc tube amp and the price seems very reasonable compared to similarly-powered tube amps.    

I would be interested to hear what you lads think of this new amp.  Thanks for any input you can provide.  
Whitestix what does it matter anyway. All us 65 year olds are deaf as a door nob. You got cataracts yet? My first year on Medicare has broken both Uncle Sam's an my bank.
We joke about the Fuzzlinear 700 but I had one and at the time it was insanely good. It highlighted how bad the Crown amps were and that SS amps had a future. Carvers current amps are no different. They show us how good and reliable a transformered tube amp can be and as always at a reasonable price. Go for it! I really would like to hear his line source loudspeakers. I'll bet they are not far off the ESL line source mark.
All us 65 year olds are deaf as a door nob
I'm sorry to learn of your hearing loss, but please speak for yourself.
How does Carver 275 compare in SQ to McIntosh 275?  Anyone A/B'd them?

Just a coincidence with the naming I'm sure, haha
I'd be keen to hear that comparison myself.  I'd sure like to hear the Carver amp myself.  I got a Don Sachs Kootenai amp KT88 amp 6 months ago and I am overwhelmed with it.  Far and away the best tube amp I have ever in my system.  
Curious how in an all balanced system how the Carver 275 would work/sound if used XLR adaptors at the amp end? What are the downsides to this?