How to replace hardwired stock power cord ?


I have an old - but exquisite Nakamichi MB10 CD Player.  I did come across a post - with very detailed instructions and pictures of modifications possible - someone having modified the unit - basically he changed the stock power to a detachable "IEC" connector - changed some capacitors etc ....

Regretfully I didn't bookmark it - and i cant find it now...have searched the net few time... :( bummer!

Would anyone know - how to go about cutting out the original hardwired cheap power cord and replace it with a good quality one ?

Have I posted this under right topic ? 

Any help - much appreciated....thanks 
Get your IEC socket first so you know what size you need, then use this:
It will take a lot of work and patience. Though honestly, you'll have better results if you forego using detachable cords and replace with a high quality shielded cable like this:
Check the diameter to make sure it will fit. You may need to ream the original hole. Make sure to get the right grommet so you don't have the cabling touching bare metal.

I should have mentioned; observe where the existing cord's, "hot"(narrow) and, "neutral"(wider prong) conductors are connected, just to cover the bases.  
Erik - you said better results if I forego using detachable cords and replace with a high quality shielded cable......while practically everyone else says to get high quality detachable power cords. 

However I must agree that the cable you suggested - indeed a high quality and well shielded cable if installed well - should make a very good well shielded high quality and very affordable power cable.  This would eliminate the need for the IEC connector and works on the chassis right ? All I need a good mains plug - my job is done right ? - at least pertaining to the power cord section? 

When you have time - do have a look at this link - suggest the mains plug.

rodman99999 - points well noted. thank you!

Erik - I found two options at site.....

12 & 14 AWG cable.....if I can open up my player - and get it connected direct - all I need is then just a suitable power mains plug. 

Please do recommend a suitable power mains plug - please.

Here's hoping you'll realize somewhat of an audible improvement, using that cord, in either gauge.    Far as AC plugs, Parts Connexion has a variety: