KLAudio is stopping production of their Ultrasonic record cleaner.


KLAudio is discontinuing their top of the line ultrasonic cleaners.
they site not being able to produce them at a profitable margin.

they will be focusing on tonearms.

There will be no additional  production and sales will be from existing stock and dealers.
service will be maintained as long as possible

i absolutely love my machine.

this sounds a lot like Oppo 

if you don't have the silencer you may want to consider buying one now.
it is a fabulous accessory for much lower noise.
Wow! @ close to 5k, I don't know why that would happen.

Completely happy with my DIY.
The Degritter is half that price, I believe, and appears to be a superior design. The automatic USC cleaners are great for those wanting convenience, but a DIY version can be put together for a LOT less $.
Degritter better?
that is not what Michael Fremer says

MF owns an Audiodeske and felt the Klaudio top knotch  on par - no chemicals or rollers
I like MF but when has he ever favored a less expensive product over a more expensive one? He will admit that performance is very good but never “better”.