Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!

Hi group,
I sold a pair of mint Harbeths. I shipped them in original double boxed carton with original bonnets covering them. I just received this EMAIL from the buyer. I know that many ruin these speakers trying to pry  the magnetic grills off incorrectly. What is my recourse with this issue?
Thanks  much for your input!

This is the EMAIL I received from the buyer!

Hi. I picked up the speakers from FedEx yesterday. They arrived with some minor dents around the front top corners near the grille on both speakers. When I opened the outer box, I've noticed that one side of the inner box wasn't sealed on top and as a result the speakers came out of the top foam speaker holder. I guess the damage occurred from speakers bumping against each other. The grill cloth is also ripped near the dents. I've sent an email to Harbeth asking how much replacement grills are going to cost. I could probably live with those dents but grills might be replaced at some point. I'm still waiting on my amp to come back from service, so I have not even plugged the speakers in yet. Hopefully the drivers are ok.    

I had similar experience with Larry D. Moore, Ultra Fi.  but as a consumer

 Although there are some positive feedbacks regarding him – which I had I relied on before ordering gears from him-Its turnout that hi is a cheater and others were hurt by him as well.


Normally, you do not post this and absorb the injury thinking you are the only foolish

But then I realized that others were hurt too.

I decided to do something:

I turned to PayPal, which examined my claims and tried to give me back as much as they could from his account.

I understood from them that this was not the only complaint they had received

And so, I asked them to block his account from being used And so they did

Since his account was blocked, he had to close his audio company which does not exist.

More than that,

I turned to an Audio website (very known), which they had previously published a positive review on one of his gear, and after showing them proof of my claims including his delusional answers, they dropped that review out of their website.

Today he is not running an Audio gear compony (and if he will do that -he will be in bad situation)

He is working as patent attorney and I still haven't contacted them to talk about their employee.

case details briefly

Cheating on me included sending a defective product Due to poor planning

After being tested and certified by a certified audio technician, the device's construction was poor and caused it to burn the gear was sent back At Mr. Moore request, and so it was.

But then, Mr. Moore told me that the shipping box was totally ruined, and he cannot fix it and will not want to fix it.

I guess I'm not the only one hurt as a customer. The problem is that we do not advertise the bad things and thus allow them to happen


I guess other customers of the same company or others will not be happy with what I wrote because it will in some way hurt their ability to sell their product (if they under the same brand name)




Sad to hear but maybe you should start your own thread on this subject as you have named names?
Get BB King as your all singing the blues.Get it done already its getting OLD!!
Good advice, but the shipper has to initiate the claim, not the  consignee.
Jerrybj is correct.  If you as the seller paid for the shipping, you have the contract with Fedex.  If you did not declare a value, the most Fedex will pay is $100.00 per package.  Was this shipped Fedex express or Fedex ground?