PS Audio Revises Marketing to a Direct Sales Only Model

Discussion on the PS Audio Forum sponsored by PS Audio indicates that over the next 4 months PS Audio will be transitioning to a Direct Sales Only Model.  PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan acknowledged change was coming within the next four months.  Wish the best to PS Audio on the change.  I wonder what the impact will be on dealers currently holding new stock.  The thread on the PS Audio Forum is titled Is - PS Audio Going Direct Sale Only?
If they drop the prices 25-30%, it will put them in a really price competitive position.  

prices are not necessarily lowered via direct sales platforms. nor are those products prices then 'negotiable nor can they be expected to be.

From personal EXP PSA has demonstrated exemplary conduct after the sale and strong product durability.

Pricing however be it adjusted down or other wise remains to be seen.
another thing to consider is PSA in the past has used off shore or out of house makers to contract production of their goods. consequently supply and demand could well adminster pricing to some extent as of that result.

if PSA does indeed lower pricing, they could really corner a more than fair market share in Power line cnoditioning, cabling, and maybe even in the mid level digital streaming device arena.

lets hoep this latest business plan works for both sides of the marketing coin, seller and buyers.
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I skimmed the forum thread at PSA, including the two entries from the CEO.  Nothing in those two entries to indicate prices would drop as result of this move. 

To the contrary, discussion by forum members (not the CEO, however) that the change would lead to elimination of current practice of dealers discounting off msrp, so that real prices consumers see going forward might actually increase for many (ie, back to msrp).