Suggestions for low powered tube amps for Zu Omens

I have decided to take the plunge in some type of low powered tube amplifier for my Zu Omen for late night listening. Declare, Oddwatt, Bottlehead, Elekit, are some of names I have researched. I would be appreciative of any guidance/ suggestions you might have. I have no issues with a kit if it keeps the cost down.. actually that even sounds kinda of fun. I also like the idea of buying or building a low powered amp that can be converted to Mono, if I like the sound.
I am in the same boat.  My DWs are being shipped and I have been scouring message boards to find a suitable amplifier.  I really wanted to try a SET amp.  Sean suggested an Audion amplifier that was far more than I wanted to spend.  I have narrowed my search down to a Coincident Dynamo and Decware Zen 25th Anniversary.  My main concern is if 8 or even more so, 2 watts, will be enough power to run the Zus.  I was assured by both manufacturers that both amps are a fantastic matchup.  I am still worried about having enough headroom though.  I also considered the "Rachel", but since I will finally have some efficient speakers, I very much want to try a SET amp.  Please share your decisions and findings with us!
Coach, I have been through the flea watt amp race for my Lascalas. As I understand it, you want this, for late night listening. As far as I am concerned, a good headphone system would be my way to go about it, as I am not willing to give up dynamics, and the lifelike " scale ", much of music listening entails. I understand many recommendations here, and respect them. It really depends on what you are looking for. As easy as your speakers are to drive, I would suggest to you to try something, with a return policy, even if you need to pay return shipping. Ultimately, none of these small tube amps do it for me ( have heard a few, not all ), but the same thing. Slow, sluggish, ill defined bass, and simply, not enough headroom, nor control, to satisfy me. Again, YMMV, but try it first, instead of making a commitment, that is all. Keep in mind, I am not speaking of only chamber music, or spls here. I also want to say, I like tubes as voltage sources, but prefer ss as current sources, which, ime, are loudspeakers. Again, my own experiences, my own opinions, and all of this is based on what " I " like ", with Lascalas, the perfect tube amp speaker. I understand I might get backlash from some posters, but, you are asking for opinions, so, these are mine. Individuality ! Enjoy ! MrD.
My Audio Research LS3 and the STA 200 really sound good together and I have you to thank for that selection.(STA -200) The only issue is gain, but there is a resistor/capacitor fix offered by Audio Research. However the 18 db of gain and 2v output might be more appropriate for a low powered amp. Another reason I'm considering a Bottlehead or Elekit or others is the ability to do double duty as a headphone amp; plus I think a kit might be a lot of fun. I believe Herb Reickert reviewed the Elekit TU8600 for Stereophile and thought highly of it. Bottlehead has the S.E.X. amplifier that might scratch the itch of kit and late night speaker experimentation.
Again thanks to everyone who responds!