I see in the crossover manual that it is made to hook up 4 subwoofers with it, but states therein that you need 2 amps just for the subwoofers. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I had that set up (Stacked DQ10s/Pair Subs and the Electronic XO)
First you will need "at least" a VERY POWERFUL and VERY STABLE Stereo power amp (or pair of monoblocs) to power just the DQ10's.
That same amp cannot be used for the subs. They will require a separate two channel or monobloc pair to power them.
The DQ10s are 8 ohms and stacking them and running parallel will give your amp a 4 ohm load so they like power, and they like stability (must be stable at 4 ohms and preferably less)
SO to recap:
Each pair of stacked DQ10s will need either a single channel of an amp or a single channel for each DQ10 if you want to biamp the stacked pair.
Each sub will perform best with its "own" channel if you intend to run them stereo. You could run them mono and in get by with a single sub amp if it too was powerful and stable.
I can see how it would get confusing, since there are a lot of options when you begin to consider biamping, stereo/mono subs, etc.
Lots of flexbility here, but one thing for sure, you can't do it all with a single Stereo amp.