How to Hook Up 4 Dq-10 speakers

I recently acquired a 2nd set of DQ-10s to add into my system of 2 DQ-10s, 2 DQ-1Ws, DQ-LP1, 2 Tandberg Amps plenty of power), 1 Tandberg Controller. I've heard of some who use only 2 amps to do this. I don't know how to hook up my additional 2 DQ10s using only the 2 amps and the electronic crossover; can anyone guide me in this? I see in the crossover manual that it is made to hook up 4 subwoofers with it, but states therein that you need 2 amps just for the subwoofers. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Interesting, but how did it sound to you?

If you mean "stacked"; They sounded fantastic!! But that was back in the mid 70's.

System was:

Rabco ST7 TT with straightline tracking
Denon 103 cartridge
Citation 17 Preamp
Dahlquist electronic XO
Pair Bridged Citation 16 amps (for L&R DQ10 Mains)
Citation 16 stereo amp (for Stereo Dahlquist subs)
Stacked and mirror imaged DQ10's for L&R Mains
Stereo Dahlquist Subs.

I hope I remembered that correctly.
Re If you mean "stacked"; They sounded fantastic!!

I am sure they would sound fantastic today, too.

So can anyone explain why no one tries to stack speakers today?
The primary reason is not all speakers can be stacked effectively due to wave interaction called comb filtering.

Drivers must be spaced "exactly" the right distance from each other for this effect to be lessened. Differing wave lengths (frequencies) require exact distances.

On the speakers where we DID stack them, like the DQ10s and ADVENTS we either got "lucky" or we ignored the combfiltering that occured.

That is my best assessment as to why it isn't common today.

Oh yes, I remember Advents too, so I would love to hear more about this - it seems many people (including Mark Levinson) also got "lucky" with Quads.

I had a friend and audio mentor circa 1979 who was very lucky with KLH9s.

If speakers were stacled vertically, wouldn't all the drivers, on a relative basis, be similarly oriented to the listener?
I am willing to acquire another amp to run the additional 2 DQ10's if that's necessary. But I don't know how to actually wire it up via the DQ-LP1 crossover. Do you use the center two outputs, similar to what you'd do to hook up 2 more subwoofers. I want to stack the 4 DQ10s and am looking for guidance how to do that. Hey, Dean, I am about to receive 2 more DQ10s, so I'll have 6; maybe you'd like that additional pair? Summitav - I think you may have explained how to do it, but I'm a novice and don't quite understand. Currently the Tandberg amp running 2 Dq10s is more than sufficient, as is the Tandberg amp running the 2 subwoofers. Do I need a 3rd amp to run the second set of DQ10's? Thanks for all help from everyone.